Ana Soares’ teamwork highlighted on the media

A recent publication by Ana Soares, one of the coordinators of the EpiViral project, in collaboration with Stefanie Kaiser from the partner institution University of Frankfurt, has been highlighted in various national media outlets.

In this work, Ana Soares and her team show that the expression of an enzyme called ELP3, responsible for making specific chemical changes in tRNA molecules, is reduced in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), as well as in animal and cellular models of the disease.

This reduction leads to a decrease in the level of chemical modifications that this enzyme catalyzes, in specific tRNAs. This hypomodification of tRNAs consequently causes problems in the production of proteins.

The altered ELP3 levels in AD may be the key for an earlier diagnosis as a potencial biomarker of the disease. Additionally, the manipulation of ELP3 levels may also be a novel and promising therapeutic strategy for AD.

Click to read the manuscript

Sic Notícias: Universidade de Aveiro faz descoberta para diagnóstico e tratamento de Alzheimer

TVI: Universidade de Aveiro faz descoberta para diagnóstico e tratamento de Alzheimer

Jornal de Notícias: Universidade de Aveiro faz descoberta para diagnóstico e tratamento de Alzheimer

Correio da Manhã: Universidade de Aveiro faz descoberta para diagnóstico e tratamento de Alzheimer

Jornal UA: Descoberta da UA abre caminho a novos diagnósticos e tratamentos da Doença de Alzheimer

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