
Viral deubiquitinating proteases and the promising strategies of their inhibition (pdf)
van Vliet VJE, De Silva A, Mark BL, Kikkert M. Virus Res. 2024

Deubiquitinating activity of SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease does not influence virus replication or innate immune responses in vivo (pdf)
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The Main Protease of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Induces Cleavage of Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling Protein to Antagonize the Innate Immune Response (pdf)
van Huizen M, Vendrell XM, de Gruyter HLM, Boomaars-van der Zanden AL, van der Meer Y, Snijder EJ, Kikkert M, Myeni SK. Viruses. 2024

Influenza A virus propagation requires the activation of the unfolded protein response and the accumulation of insoluble protein aggregates (pdf)
Marques M, Ramos B, Albuquerque H, Pereira M, Ribeiro DR, Nunes A, Sarabando J, Brás D, Ferreira AR, Vitorino R, Amorim MJ, Silva AMS, Soares AR, Ribeiro D. iScience. 2024

Emerging roles of the Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1) in the context of viral infections. (pdf)
Corda P, Bollen M, Ribeiro D, Fardilha M. Cell Commun Signal. 2024

Temporal resolution of NAIL-MS of tRNA, rRNA and Poly-A RNA is overcome by actinomycin D. (pdf)
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Pitfalls in RNA Modification Quantification Using Nucleoside Mass Spectrometry.
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Demonstrating the importance of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus papain-like protease 2 deubiquitinating activity in viral replication by structure-guided mutagenesis.
Bailey-Elkin BA, Knaap RCM, De Silva A, Boekhoud IM, Mous S, van Vught N, Khajehpour M, van den Born E, Kikkert M, Mark BL. PLoS Pathog. 2023

Amyloid pathology reduces ELP3 expression and tRNA modifications leading to impaired proteostasis (pdf)
Pereira M, Ribeiro DR, Berg M, Tsai AP, Dong C, Nho K, Kaiser S, Moutinho M, Soares AR. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2023

The hidden RNA code: implications of the RNA epitranscriptome in the context of viral infections (pdf)
Ribeiro DR, Nunes A, Ribeiro D, Soares AR. Front Genet. 2023

Novel approaches for the rapid development of rationally designed arbovirus vaccines. (pdf) van Bree JWM, Visser I, Duyvestyn JM, Aguilar-Bretones M, Marshall EM, van Hemert MJ, Pijlman GP, van Nierop GP, Kikkert M, Rockx BHG, Miesen P, Fros JJ. One Health. 2023

Different modification pathways for m1A58 incorporation in yeast elongator and initiator tRNAs. (pdf) Yared MJ, Yoluç Y, Catala M, Tisné C, Kaiser S, Barraud P. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023.

Determining the Importance of Peroxisomal Proteins for Viral Infections in Cultured Mammalian Cells (pdf)
Marques M, Ferreira AR, Ribeiro D. Methods Mol Biol. 2023

Tools to Investigate the Peroxisome-Dependent Antiviral Response (pdf)
Ramos B., Ferreira A.R., Ribeiro D. Methods Mol Biol. 2023

Peroxisomes and Viruses: Overview on Current Knowledge and Experimental Approaches (pdf)
Ferreira V., Ferreira A. R., Ribeiro D. Methods Mol Biol. 2023

The physiological functions of human peroxisomes (pdf)
Wanders R. J. A, Baes M., Ribeiro D., Ferdinandusse S. and Waterham H. Physiological Reviews 2023

Engineering potent live attenuated coronavirus vaccines by targeted inactivation of the immune evasive viral deubiquitinase (pdf)
Myeni S.K., Bredenbeek P.J., Knaap R.C.M., Dalebout T.J., Morales S.T., Sidorov I.A., Linger M.E., Oreshkova N., van Zanen-Gerhardt S., Zander S.A.L., Enjuanes L., Sola I., Snijder E.J., Kikkert M. Nat Commun. 2023

Ubiquitin variants potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 PLpro and viral replication via a novel site distal to the protease active site (pdf)
van Vliet V.J.E., Huynh N., Palà J., Patel A., Singer A., Slater C., Chung J., van Huizen M., Teyra J., Miersch S., Luu G.K., Ye W., Sharma N., Ganaie S. Russell R., Chen C., Maynard M., Amarasinghe G.K., Mark B.L., Kikkert M., Sidhu S.S. PLoS Pathog. 2022

Editorial: Viruses and Epitranscriptomes: Regulation of Infection and Antiviral Response (pdf)
Soares A. R., Kikkert M., Kaiser-Kellner S., Ribeiro D., Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2022

Upregulation of tRNA-Ser-AGA-2-1 Promotes Malignant Behavior in Normal Bronchial Cells (pdf)
Santos M., Fidalgo A., Varanda A. S., Soares A. R., Almeida G. M., Martins D., Mendes N., Oliveira C., Santos M. A. S., Front. Mol. Biosci., 2022

Human Cytomegalovirus vMIA Inhibits MAVS Oligomerization at Peroxisomes in an MFF-Dependent Manner (pdf)
Ferreira A. R., Gouveia A., Magalhães A. C., Valença I., Marques M., Kagan J. C., Ribeiro D. Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2022, 10:871977.

Emerging roles of peroxisomes in viral infections (pdf)
Ferreira A.R., Marques M., Ramos B., Kagan J.C., Ribeiro D., Trends in Cell Biolgy, 2022, 32(2):124-139.

m5U54 tRNA Hypomodification by Lack of TRMT2A Drives the Generation of tRNA-Derived Small RNAs (pdf)
Pereira M., Ribeiro D. R., Pinheiro M. M., Ferreira M., Kellner S., Soares A. R. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(6), 2941.

Emerging Roles of tRNAs in RNA Virus Infections (pdf)
Nunes A., Ribeiro D. R., Marques M., Santos M. A. S., Ribeiro D., Soares A. R. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2020, 45(9):794-805.


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